The statement went on to say: Independent Star Ltd. has no further comment pending conclusion of the joint investigation by the newspaper's shareholders. 声明接着说:在股东联合调查结束之前,独立之星公司还没有进一步的结论。
For Sino-foreign joint venture fund management companies, the foreign shareholders play a key role in bringing clients outside of China to the business. 在中外合资基金管理公司,外方股东在给公司带来海外客户方面发挥着关键的作用。
As for a joint stock limited company, the shareholders shall be responsible for the company to the extent of the shares they have subscribed to. 股份有限公司的股东以其认购的股份为限对公司承担责任。
Where a joint stock limited company issues new stocks for increasing its registered capital, the subscription for new stocks by shareholders shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the present law regarding the payment of stock money for the establishment of a joint stock limited company. 股份有限公司为增加注册资本发行新股时,股东认购新股,依照本法设立股份有限公司缴纳股款的有关规定执行。
Shareholders of unlimited liability shall bear joint unlimited liability for obligations of the company, and shareholders of limited liability shall be liable to the company only to the extent of the capital contributed by them. 无限责任股东,对公司债务负连带无限清偿责任;有限责任股东,以出资额为限,对于公司负其责任。
Profits of the Joint Stock Company shall be distributed as~ s to the shareholders. 股份公司的利润应作为红利分配给股东。
Joint management of small watersheds through taking part in exploitation as shareholders 合股经营联合治理小流域
Independent professional supervisors are the professional members of the supervisory board of joint stock limited company who have no important relationship to the key shareholders, the directors, the managers and the company itself. 独立职业监事,是指和公司主要股东、董事会、经理层以及公司本身没有重大利害关系,依法律和合同独立履行公司监督职责的专业职业人员。
After a review of the literatures on stakeholders ′ joint governance, the paper describes the problems confronting small and medium shareholders, like excessive cost for the joint governance and failure in the rights to information. 本文从利益相关者参与公司治理的文献回顾入手,阐述了中、小股东的参与成本过高及公司利益相关者参与治理的知情权受挫等问题。
In order to ensure the sound development of transforming into joint stock company, it is necessary to standardize the establishment of company, the structure of stock right, the behaviors of state shareholders, corporation management structure. 提出铁路企业为保证股份制改造健康发展,就必须规范公司的组建工作、股权结构,规范国有股东的行为,规范公司法人治理结构。
The forms of civil liability includes: joint liability for debts caused by establishment and expense, joint liability for returning share capital in addition to interest in the corresponding period to shareholders, liability to pay compensation to company. 发起人民事责任的形式是:对设立行为所产生的债务和费用负连带责任、对认股人已缴纳的股款负返还并加算同期银行存款利息的连带责任、对公司承担赔偿责任。
Consequently, although the actual investors do not have shareholders 'status outside, they should assume joint and several liabilities to third party with the dummy shareholders in the case of knowing the truth. 所以,尽管实际出资人对外不具有股东地位,但在实际出资人为第三人知晓的情况下,也应当由实际出资人和名义股东对第三人承担连带责任。
The unbalanced holding structure in joint stock companies, especially in listed companies, in which large shareholders ( or the state) hold a large percentage of shares makes this even worse. 股份公司,尤其是上市公司的不平衡的持股结构加重了这一问题。大股东持有公司很高比例的股份,尤其是国家作为大股东高比例持股时问题更加严重。
And if the controlling shareholder take joint and several liability, it is negative to protect the interests of minority shareholders. 在公司法人人格否定制度中,股东承担连带责任理论依据不足,并且控股股东承担连带责任不利于保护中小股东的利益。
Thirdly, the conclusion of understanding of the nature of joint and several liability between the one-man company shareholders and the company. 第三,关于一人公司股东与公司连带责任性质认识的结论。